Charging into Storms and Dodging the Rain: Lessons from Buffalo and Cows for Hockey

Nature has always provided us with incredible metaphors and lessons for life. One such fascinating observation lies in the contrasting behaviors of buffalo and cows when confronted with storms. While buffalo charge fearlessly into storms, cows instinctively run away from them. This natural phenomenon can be parallelled to the thrilling game of hockey, where players must exhibit both courage and strategic avoidance to succeed. Let's dive into the lessons we can learn from buffalo, cows, and how these principles can be applied to the fast-paced world of hockey.

Buffalo: Embracing Challenges Head-On

Buffalo are known for their ability to face storms head-on. When a storm is approaching, they instinctively charge into it, using their size and strength to plow through adversity. This boldness can be related to the game of hockey, where players often encounter obstacles and tough opponents. In hockey, it is crucial to embrace challenges and confront them directly, displaying determination, perseverance, and fearlessness in the face of adversity.

Lesson for Hockey: Don't shy away from challenges. Instead, embrace them with courage and determination. Be willing to face tough opponents, fight for the puck, and push through difficult situations. Like the buffalo, charge into the storm of competition and give it your all.

Cows: The Art of Strategic Avoidance

Unlike buffalo, cows instinctively seek safety by running away from storms. Their instinct tells them to avoid confrontation and find shelter elsewhere. In the context of hockey, strategic avoidance can play a crucial role in outmaneuvering opponents and setting up successful plays. Sometimes, it is wiser to retreat momentarily, regroup, and plan a calculated approach.

Lesson for Hockey: Recognize the importance of strategic avoidance in the game. Sometimes, it's better to back off momentarily, maintain possession, and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. By studying opponents, understanding their strategies, and making well-timed moves, you can optimize your chances of success.

Finding Balance: The Hybrid Approach

The buffalo and cow approaches are not mutually exclusive in hockey. Successful players find a balance between charging into challenges and strategically avoiding unfavorable situations. They possess the courage to take risks while simultaneously being aware of the game's dynamics and adapting accordingly.

Lesson for Hockey: Develop a hybrid approach that combines the strength and fearlessness of buffalo with the strategic awareness of cows. Take calculated risks, seize opportunities, and assert yourself on the ice, all while maintaining a keen sense of the game's flow and making smart decisions.

Final Thoughts

The behaviors of buffalo and cows in the face of storms offer valuable insights into the game of hockey. Emulating the courage and fearlessness of buffalo, while also recognizing the benefits of strategic avoidance like cows, can lead to success on the ice. By adopting a balanced approach, players can navigate through challenges, seize opportunities, and thrive in the fast-paced and unpredictable world of hockey. So, next time you watch a game, remember the lessons from these remarkable creatures and apply them to your own pursuit of victory on the ice.

Scott Schwertly

Scott Schwertly is the Founder and Performance and Sport Psychologist at GritBase, a mental performance coaching company for hockey players.

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