Activating Your Inner Beast as a Hockey Player: The Three-Step Reset Routine

Hockey is a game of intensity, strategy, and unwavering focus. To excel on the ice, players need to tap into their inner beast – that relentless drive and unshakable determination that sets them apart. In the heat of the game, it's easy to get overwhelmed by pressure, frustration, or fatigue. That's where a well-crafted reset routine comes into play. Here, we'll discuss a three-step process to activate your inner beast as a hockey player, and guide you through creating your personalized reset routine.

Step 1: Break

The first step in activating your inner beast is to break the cycle of negative emotions or self-doubt that might be holding you back. To do this, engage in a physical action that serves as a trigger for your mind to reset and refocus. This action should be simple and easy to perform, even in the midst of a game.

Squirt Water into the Air: One effective way to break the cycle is by squirting a stream of water into the air. This not only releases built-up tension but also serves as a visual reminder to let go of the past and focus on the present moment.

Hit Your Stick on the Boards: Another great option is to give your stick a gentle but deliberate tap against the boards. This not only provides an auditory cue but also reconnects you with the physicality of the game.

The key is to choose a break action that resonates with you and helps you snap out of any negative headspace you might find yourself in.

Step 2: Breathe

After breaking the cycle, it's time to regain control of your emotions and thoughts. Taking a few deep, diaphragmatic breaths can work wonders. Deep breathing helps you calm your nervous system and center your focus. Alternatively, you can engage in a breathing technique like box breathing:

1. Inhale for a count of four.

2. Hold your breath for a count of four.

3. Exhale for a count of four.

4. Hold your breath again for a count of four.

Repeat this pattern a few times to ensure your mind and body are in sync and ready for action.

Step 3: Begin

Once you have broken the cycle and centered your mind through breathing, it's time to kickstart your inner beast. Say a personal mantra or affirmation that resonates with your hockey identity. This mantra should reflect the qualities and attributes you want to embody on the ice – be it resilience, aggression, or unwavering determination.

Here are a few examples of hockey mantras to get you started:

- "I am the storm. I am unbreakable."

- "Relentless, fearless, and unstoppable."

- "I am a beast. I control the ice."

Repeat this mantra with conviction, feeling the power and energy it instills within you. Let it become a part of your hockey persona.

Exercise: Create Your Reset Routine

Now that you've learned the three steps to activate your inner beast, it's time to create your personalized reset routine. Follow these steps to design a routine that works for you:

1. Reflect on Your Game: Consider the situations or moments in a game when you most need to reset. Is it after a missed opportunity, a frustrating mistake, or during high-pressure situations?

2. Choose Your Break Action: Select a physical action that resonates with you. It could be one of the examples mentioned earlier or something entirely unique to you.

3. Practice Breathing Techniques: Experiment with deep breathing or the box breathing technique to find what calms your mind and body the most effectively.

4. Craft Your Mantra: Develop a mantra that encapsulates the spirit of your inner beast. Make it personal and empowering.

5. Put It All Together: Integrate these elements into a cohesive routine. Write it down and practice it during training sessions and even in everyday life to make it a natural part of your hockey persona.

Remember, activating your inner beast is not a one-size-fits-all process. Your routine should be a reflection of your unique personality and goals as a hockey player. With consistent practice, this reset routine can help you stay focused, confident, and relentless in your pursuit of excellence on the ice. So, go ahead and create your reset routine, and unleash the beast within you!

Scott Schwertly

Scott Schwertly is the Founder and Performance and Sport Psychologist at GritBase, a mental performance coaching company for hockey players.

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