Achieving Greatness in Hockey: Why 10x Goals Trump 2x Goals

Setting goals is an essential part of any athlete's journey, and in the sport of hockey, it's no different. Dr. Benjamin Hardy, a renowned psychologist and author, argues that setting 10x goals, as opposed to 2x goals, can be a game-changer in achieving greatness. Let's dive into the dynamics behind 10x goals and how hockey players can benefit from this approach when setting their goals.

Understanding the 10x Goal Concept

A 2x goal implies aiming to double your current performance or achievements, which is undoubtedly a commendable pursuit. However, Dr. Benjamin Hardy suggests that 10x goals encourage individuals to aim for 10 times their current performance or achievements. This might sound audacious, but the underlying psychology is to push boundaries and tap into one's full potential.

The Power of 10x Goals

Shift in Perspective

When you set a 10x goal, it forces you to think differently. Instead of making small, incremental changes, you need to adopt a transformative mindset. In the context of hockey, this means not just aiming to improve your scoring rate slightly, but striving to become one of the best goal-scorers in your league.

Increased Motivation

Setting a 10x goal can ignite a fire within you. It propels you out of your comfort zone and motivates you to work harder, smarter, and with more determination. In hockey, this heightened motivation can lead to improvements in skills, fitness, and overall performance.

Breakthrough Achievements

10x goals can lead to breakthrough achievements. In hockey, this could mean going from a promising amateur to becoming a professional player, or from being a benchwarmer to a team captain. Achieving a 10x goal in hockey often requires innovative strategies, hard work, and unwavering dedication.

How to Apply 10x Goals in Hockey

Dream Big

To apply the 10x goal concept in hockey, start by dreaming big. Imagine the highest level of success you can achieve in the sport. Whether it's winning the Stanley Cup, representing your national team, or becoming an elite goal-scorer, aim high and be specific about your dreams.

Break It Down

Once you have your ambitious goal, break it down into smaller, actionable steps. Set milestones and create a roadmap that outlines how you plan to reach your 10x goal. For example, you might need to work on improving your shooting accuracy, endurance, or stickhandling skills.

Seek Expert Guidance

In hockey, you can benefit greatly from seeking guidance and coaching from experts in the field. Coaches, trainers, and experienced players can help you refine your skills, provide feedback, and assist you in your journey towards your 10x goal.

Stay Committed

Commitment and consistency are key when pursuing a 10x goal in hockey. Understand that there will be setbacks and challenges along the way. Stay committed to your dream and be resilient in the face of adversity.

Final Thoughts

Setting 10x goals can be a game-changing approach to achieving greatness. Dr. Benjamin Hardy's concept emphasizes thinking big, staying motivated, and pushing boundaries to realize your full potential. By dreaming big, breaking down your goals, seeking expert guidance, and maintaining commitment, you can harness the power of 10x goals and reach new heights in your hockey career.

Scott Schwertly

Scott Schwertly is the Founder and Performance and Sport Psychologist at GritBase, a mental performance coaching company for hockey players.

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